Learning by Doing
Talk #
Curriculum Design of the New Experiential Learning GE Course UGEB2296 in Agriculture
Dr. Kenneth Ming LI, Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Mr. Eugene CHAN , Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Abstract / Video
UGEB2296 “Experiencing and Rethinking Science and Technology in Agriculture” is a newly developed experiential learning GE course first launched in the summer semester of 2018/19. After taking this course, students are able to describe and compare the principles and practices of modern agriculture and permaculture, be capable of analyzing a multitude of agricultural ethics, as well as to formulate personal views on how to live more ethically with nature. Students are encouraged to further reflect on the sustainable relationships between humanity, nature, and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) promoted by the United Nations. This experiential learning course is designed with three parts, namely a pre-trip lecture, an overseas study trip and a post-trip seminar, to address various pedagogical needs. The one-day pre-trip lecture in CUHK provides pre-requisite knowledge on agriculture and permaculture, contemplation of relevant ethical issues, and general pictures of the SDGs. The six-day overseas study trip to Permaculture College Australia provides a precious opportunity for students to take part in diverse farming and permaculture practices with the guidance of Robyn Francis, a master and educator in permaculture. After the trip, students can apply the permaculture principles to re-design the Lake Ad Excellentiam in CUHK into a permaculture farm and present in the post-trip seminar. Selected final papers on the integration of permaculture principles and SDGs are nominated for the presentations at international conferences. This presentation shares the ideas and concerns when designing the experiential learning GE course.