Posters - CUHK | Abstract
Poster #
Challenges and Barriers in Interprofessional Education in University – A Six Years Journey
Vivian W.Y. Lee, Pak Chun Janita Chau, Sin Nga Ann Lau, Bo San Paul Lai, Yeung Shan Samuel Wong,Wan Ting Wendy Wong,Wai Yeung Michael Chung, Chi Ho Wallace Chan, Kar Choi Chan, E Nok Enoch Ng, Yan Hin Felix Fong, Shuk Man Amy Lam, Yee Shan Livia Ngai, Lok Him Laadan Lo, Wing Kit Marco Leung, Wing Tung Artemis Chan, Hiu Yung Hubert Chau, Hiu Lam Tammy Yu, Chak Yee Anna Lo and CU CHAMPION Core Team
This year marks the 6th year of our inter-professional service learning program – CU CHAMPION. As a global trend in tertiary education, it’s always been our team’s passion to strive for improving inter-professional education (IPE) and enhancing students’ involvement in the community.
This year we scaled up our IPE program and organized an one unit bearing summer elective course – PHAR2018, which attracted Faculty of Medicine students of different majors. Furthermore, we also expanded our yearly summer community outreach program which involved 206 Faculty of Medicine and Department of Social Work. On the other hand, we organized 48 sessions of community outreach service, produced 28 micro modules for self learning purpose, and organized 4 workshops for university student volunteers. In short, our program involved university students, healthcare professionals and high school student volunteers, each party played a crucial role in the IPE program. Their satisfaction and change in knowledge level were well perceived as expected.
IPE development has never been easy for us. Our team has met various challenges and barriers over the years such as lacking secured funding sources, understaff, logistic, and short of professional academic staff as front line facilitators. However, we are still able to overcome these barriers and make favorable outcomes every year. We will present and sum up our IPE experience in this year’s CLEAR Expo.